
Join Our
Growing Team

Our culture is brought to
life every day by the team
members of Summit Utilities.



Summit是一家成长中的天然气公司,为阿肯色州的家庭和企业提供成人抖音, Colorado, Maine, Missouri, and Oklahoma. 成为顶峰团队的一员意味着追求卓越, diversity, and innovation, committing to safety each and every day, and doing all that we can to serve each other, our customers, and the communities where we live.


At Summit, our mission is to deliver clean, safe, affordable, and reliable energy solutions to our customers. 成人抖音知道,只有拥有一支以成人抖音的核心价值观为核心的敬业团队,成人抖音才能实现这一使命, 这就是为什么成人抖音致力于培养一种文化 开拓、卓越、敏捷、善良、安全 every day.

PEAKS Program

Summit Team Member John True

很高兴看到团队成员一起努力寻找各种挑战的解决方案. Summit teams are diverse, deeply committed, and provide knowledge, 以及支持成人抖音作为一家公司共同成功的独特专业知识.”?

- John True, Contract Services Manager



Diversity and Inclusion

Summit Embraces Diversity

?各种背景,各种信仰,各种优势. 在峰会上,成人抖音努力体现成人抖音的核心价值观,并成为峰会文化的好管家. 成人抖音希望成人抖音的团队成员有归属感,无论他们是谁. Our culture exists to ensure you feel valued, your ideas are heard, 你努力为每个人推进这种文化.

峰会的多元化和包容性委员会证明了成人抖音如何努力不断推进成人抖音的包容和创新文化. As a Committee, 团队的目标是确保Summit团队的每个新成员都感到被授权了, included, and welcomed to their new workplace. 成人抖音知道,当人们把自己的独特性带到工作中时,最好的想法就会产生. 包容性是成人抖音将这种独特性融入公司的重要组成部分.?

Team icon

? ?Community is Key at Summit?

Summit Utilities works with local, 为履行其使命而要求财政援助的慈善组织. That, in turn, helps us carry out ours. 作为一个以社区为导向的公司,顶峰努力成为一个好的合作伙伴和邻居. We believe 社区捐赠不仅仅是捐赠,而是改变世界的一步. 成人抖音致力于国际成人版抖音通过财政支持和慈善捐赠来回馈社会,因为成人抖音知道,成人抖音只有和成人抖音成人抖音的社区一样强大. Every year, Summit奖励了数千美元来支持当地的组织,帮助那些需要帮助的人.?

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team cleaning up storm damage
Diversity and Inclusion

Giving hands

成人抖音相信志愿休假(VTO)能加强成人抖音对一的承诺 Another and Our Communities

Summit致力于确保其团队成员在追求个人兴趣的同时,也能把最好的自己带到工作中. 这就是为什么成人抖音支持每年为团队成员的非营利组织提供20小时的带薪VTO(志愿休假) choosing. VTO is Summit’s paid volunteer time off benefit.

Join the Summit Team Today!


Our culture lives in our open communication, our collective embrace of diversity, 并且渴望考虑不同的观点. 成人抖音团队的每一位成员都致力于为彼此和社区成人抖音,这支持了成人抖音的文化."

- Kurt Adams, President & CEO, Summit Utilities

Diversity and Inclusion




Named one of the Best Places to Work!




"The knowledge that I, along with my teammates, impact people by providing a safe, reliable, 能源产品作为个人需求的解决方案对我来说是有意义的. 知道天然气在一年中最冷的日子里为家庭提供温暖是很特别的, providing nutritious meals for school children, and hot water to bathe our family pets."

-?Carrie Collins,?运营经理-琼斯博罗,核桃岭,西孟菲斯

Carrie Collins

Compensation & Benefits

Summit提供有竞争力的薪酬和灵活的福利, choice, 并在成人抖音的团队成员最需要的时候给予支持.? 成人抖音知道家和家人是你生活中必不可少的一部分, 成人抖音的福利旨在为您的工作和家庭提供支持.?


Chart showing 90%

Participation in Summit’s
Healthcare Benefits


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Military Veterans

高峰实用价值,尊重,并赞赏退伍军人和军人配偶. 成人抖音有很多机会利用领导力, discipline, 以及在服兵役期间获得的技术技能. There are many veterans on our team who 在顶峰公用事业公司找到了有影响力和有回报的文职工作吗.





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